Creation Becomes Even Better

CloudFunnels Funnel Creation Becomes Even Better (v 4.6.1 released)

Creation Becomes Even Better 

(00:00) hello and welcome to Technic Force tutorials in this video I will show you what's new in Cloud funnels version 4.6.1 let's go first of all in this new version you will see the new user interface of cloud funnels in the previous version when you create a new funnel you need to create the pages manually but in this version the pages will be created automatically let me show you if I write here for example affiliate marketing then select the funnel type sales when I click on create funnel it will automatically create its
(00:30) related Pages you can see the pages here if I visit a page you see this is the default page this is a new functionality in the newest version of cloud funnels you do not need to create the pages manually if you want to choose a different template click on the page you want to edit then click on change template then just select the template you want for example I am going to choose this template then click on the eye icon to visit the page to see the changes additionally if you want to duplicate a page just right click to see the
(01:04) duplicate page option you can also rename it then check the rename page Log 2 Box then save settings if you visit the page you will see the renamed page as mentioned earlier this new version has a new user interface this is the page setting here you can also make changes in the advanced setting and edit SEO data if you want to add a new page just click on plus new page name the page then select the page category after that click on ADD then select the home page then change template select the template you want
(01:52) if you want to rename a funnel click on rename funnels on the upper right side I will change affiliate marketing to just marketing then click rename funnel if I visit the page again you will see the changes also you can change here the page category copy page URL see Advanced setting and SEO data you can copy funnels if you have cloud files pro access you can move the pages up and down so these are the changes next in this new version if you want to use different types of methods into single payment order page let me show
(02:33) you I'll click on the cell 7 then click on edit funnel visit the order form page you can see here that I have two payment options stripe and insta Mojo the customer can choose which payment method they prefer you can put multiple payment methods on a single order page next if you want to receive an email when customers register to your page for example I will choose to edit this funnel membership 5.
(03:00) this is what you need to do on the left sidebar click on settings scroll down set Gmail as the default SMTP then save the setting then go to sales settings in this section add your email address then go to membership settings enable this option send email on free sign up add the email title then this is the email body you can make changes to the email title and body after that save the settings let's check the changes let's register here for example after registering I will receive an email about this new registration here
(03:41) you can see that I have received a member registration email this is how you can receive an email on the free sign up also we have changed the UI of settings and fixed some issues in the settings page you will also see the new user interface for the members if you click on view data you will see the new user interface of the member next when you create a product you can add a download URL and product image you can use this when you sell digital products now let me show you the dynamic membership page let me log in first
(04:44) now this is the membership page you can visit all nav tabs including the product page and this is the profile page members can change the name email and password here this is the about us tab you can add about us content here for example if I select your membership Pages click on edit existing page and if I visit the about us tab then I can add any content Box Etc and that's it on all the new functionality in Cloud funnels version 4.6.
(05:15) 1 I hope you find this video helpful thanks for watching and see you on the next one