Getting Started with CloudFunnels
Getting Started with CloudFunnels
Getting Started with CloudFunnels
(00:00) welcome to cloud funnels the self hosted funnel builder that you can host on any hosting think of cloud funnels like a wordpress kind of script that you can download that you can host on your own hosting and set it up within two minutes and from there you get every single feature of a funnel builder a full-featured funnel builder all the features you love including things like a page builder your own membership product sales tracker payment integration autoresponder integration the facility to mail your customers and
(00:33) so much more in this tutorial I'm going to set up crowd funnels for you and tell you what it does for you to get started you need to sign up to cloud funnels and you can do that by going to crowdfund I'll start in membership members register you will find a link to sign up on the front page the homepage of 12 funnels and I have reached this page actually from there now you can sign up in two ways you can put in your name email and select a password type it all out or you can just sign up using Google
(01:04) so just click on sign up with google that's the method that I'm gonna use just click on the account name that you want to use and cloud funnels will set you up an account and log you right in so here is the membership of cult funnels loading right now and you've got some options the first option is install on your own server and that means your own hosting so you can download cloud files if use FTP to copy it over to any website any folder and you can install it on your own hosting the second is
(01:39) install on Google cloud now if you've got Google Cloud membership you can install cloud funnels on your Google cloud using OAuth and that will let you use Google cloud to host your funnels which is an amazing idea which is a great idea because Google cloud is very very robust and it's actually quite cheap then in this area your installations you can review your installations you can see all the places where you have installed cloud files because doubtfulness maintains a centralized list of all the places you
(02:14) installed too so you can look at where you've installed and where you're using cloud funnels the next is generate license so toad funnels is free to use we use automatic updates and other technologies which which require us to identify that every installation is secure to do that we use a licensing system you can just go in to generate licenses after installing cloud tunnels anywhere and you can generate a license for that installation now the the next one is done for you setup and this is for people who want to take away the
(02:47) hassle of installing crowd funnels well it's not really really technical but it is a little technical you need to know basics like cPanel FTP and other things like that there are base connections and all so if you're not ready to go into that house and you can just hire us to install crowd funnels for you we will install it on Google cloud we will install it on your own hosting wherever you want it we'll set it up for you then you've got tutorials this is the place you need to go to find tutorials to learn how to use
(03:16) cloud funnels and finally we do have support for cloud funnels you can ask us questions you can create support tickets and we will respond to them so you can click on support and we will get back to you with answers about cloud funnels